Prices for photography:

Exterior only up to 3 photos starting at : $150.00*


Exterior and Interiors up to 6 photos starting at: $200.00*

Exterior and interiors up to 8-10 photos starting at:

Exterior and interior up to 11-15 photos starting at: $350.00*


Exterior and Interior up to 20-30 photos starting at: $450.00*



* Prices may vary depending on location.


Add'l photo shoots done on the same day and in the same area will be discounted.

All photographs will be enhanced with Photoshop such as adding blue sky and greening up or adding grass and any other needed corrections. Clients will receive a cd with both High and Low resolution images on it. ( High res for ads, prints and brochures and Low res for web sites.)


Links  For Other Services 


Virtual Staging Solutions:

Copy Writer:  Contact Megan Suslavich at:

Graphic & Web Design: Contact Linda Graham at:




Below are examples of what can be done in the editing process. All photos that are taken by Lampel Photography will be enhanced.





 All Images Copyrighted Lampel Photography 2010      203.426.6070


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